Why Choose UVC?
Long term focus

Our fund commitments are backed by some of the largest institutional balance sheets in Nigeria; assuring you of ready and unbridled access to long-term capital as and when you need it.

We offer a variety of options and access to funds outside our traditional equity-based financing. As your funding needs grow, from start-up through expansion and listing on the Stock Exchange, all the way and through our partner banks, we can structure further local and offshore financing to support your funding requirements.

Our local network of contacts gives us access to every state and local government area (LGA) in Nigeria and to a large extent the West Africa sub region. Access to businesses, markets regulators, suppliers, labour and capital. We know how Africa works and we can share it with you.

We have assembled a team of experienced professionals - not your typical financial analysts. Rather our team is comprised of a diversity of competences and cultures with an emphasis on project management. As part of your team, we like to have board representation and where required, offer managerial input. That way your success can truly be ours too.

We are not regional sector selective. On the contrary we are interested and will invest in good opportunities in any location in Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Wider access to funds
On-ground local experience
Unparalleled expertise
Our focus in West Africa
UVC’s Recent Stripes
   We are an effective generalist Venture Capital firm with diversified portfolio in all the economic sectors and Company     
      growth stages.

    We are able to source for quality deals and manage investments in high and low-end companies, while discharging high
       corporate social responsibility, best practices to stakeholders and the environment.

     In January 2009 UVC was adjudged the best venture capital company in Nigeria for 2007 by the Central Bank of Nigeria
        (CBN) more>>

    We have made over N2.245b investments in 51 equity, quasi-equity, equity trade finance (ETF) and microcredit 
       projects. We have had 8 exits. Except for the microcredit investments that enjoyed the CBN 9% SMEEIS window, 
       others had returns greater than our 30% hurdle rate. The ETF exits, as expected gave returns far in excess of our
       hurdle rate, with the 2 ETF exits generating an average of 101.5% returns.

    From over 700 bids worldwide, through a rigorous process, UVC was selected by the World Bank/IFC as the Fund 
       Manager for the IFC SME West African Ventures for Liberia and Sierra Leone.
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